Weather and Air Quality
The BTC Trail Sessions are generally held regardless of the weather. Rain or shine, snow, cold, hot, windy… In 2024, we had 5 days in which we ran with snow on the ground!
The only weather we can’t run in is when lightning has been seen. In the case of lightning, we will return to a safe location and wait until no lightning has been seen for 30 minutes. This may seem excessive to some, but in the mountains there is less room for error and greater risk of injury from lightning.
Air Quality:
Living in the West our summer and early fall seasons can be impacted by wildfires and the related smoke from them. We are aware of the concerns of exercising in the poor air quality and especially for young athletes. For the Trail Sessions we are choosing to err on the conservative side because our trail running will typically be a little more intense than other BTC programs; longer runs with a net higher intensity.
Please know, it is a personal/family decision of whether your athlete attends practice or not and you may have considerations for underlying health concerns of your athlete. If you are not comfortable with your athlete attending practice due to poor air quality, please do not attend.
For determining if the Trail Sessions will be held, we will be using information collected by AirNow. The link is here:
Green (0-50): Trail Sessions will be held.
Yellow (50-100): Trail Sessions will be held.
Orange (100-150): Trail Sessions will be cancelled.
Red or higher (150+): Trail Sessions will be cancelled.
The coaches will make the determination two hours before the Trail Sessions start. If the AQI at 2:00 pm is orange, red of higher, we will email and post a notification to TeamReach that the Trail Session is cancelled.